All Weekend, December 13-15 @ 2PM USEast
Balmung, Empyrean, Ward 15 Plot 30*

Since it's inception, Bandee Pakshee has been a partner in the Great Ishgardian Frostfaire. Now entering its sixth year, Pakshee is proud to once again play host to a majority of the events of the Star's brightest Starlight festival! From the market to find the perfect gift to the gala to cap off the weekend's festivities, the Great Ishgardian Frostfaire is through-and-through a Songbird special event.

Originally founded by Lady Iris Blanchimont of Ishgard, who partnered with her longtime friend Madame Rommie Laruzedah and the Bandee Pakshee to bring the festival to life, the Frostfaire started as a holiday market offering a place for the realm to come to Ishgard and shop for the perfect gift. Since Starlight is an Ishgardian-born holiday, the city playing host to the event has long been a point of pride of the young Republic of Ishgard, from its humble beginnings to the ambitious three-day festival it is today.

The Frostfaire pays homage to the Scarlet Knights, a tradition from the Dragonsong War where soldiers, many of whom were impoverished orphans themselves, disguised themselves and violated orders by traveling through the Brume and giving gifts to cold young orphans during the darkest and longest nights of the year. This tradition has carried forward to today, where all Eorzea and much of the broader world celebrates Starlight throughout the last moon of the year.

As the Frostfaire likes to say:
"As long as we're frozen, we celebrate right. Happy Starlight to all, and to all a good night."

*Some events, like Caroling and the White Elephant Supper take place off Pakshee's grounds. Check the Frostfaire's carrd for details.