You Contact Us

Reach out using the form below or by reaching out to Management on Discord. Let us know what you're looking for. Are you looking to plan an event with us? Book our venue? Hire courtesans or performers? Explain what you're looking for! If you want to use our venue, please list any decoration notes you'd like and we'll attempt to accommodate you.

We'll Form a Plan

Either at your behest or with your assistance as to how to best accommodate your needs, we'll work out the details. That might just be scheduling with you, that might be designing an entire event. It all depends on what you're looking for.

We'll Schedule

We'll get a date and time for the services with you to make sure all necessary parties will be available. We're also going to run the plan by you at this point, to make sure you're on board with everything.

We'll Join Yu

We're there for whatever purpose we've been hired! If a payment was agreed upon, wed prefer you settle accounts right before this step of the process.

You'll Tell Us Howe We Did

We want your feedback after the event! We're here to facilitate you, we'd like to know what you liked and disliked so we can continue to provide the best possible services both in and out of character.

Hiring Procedure

Hire the Pakshee